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Chogoria Partnership
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The Presbytery of the Northern Plains
the Chogoria Presbytery of Kenya 

have committed themselves to
partnership and strengthened ministries in order to be

mutually encouraged by each others faith”. 
(Romans 1:12 NRSV)


This partnership is intended to provide both parties
with a relationship to exchange knowledge,
pray for one another, embrace one another as sister congregations,
and engage in joint activities.




We display unity in Jesus Christ which bridges all differences, regardless of culture, race, language, and geography.


Would you like to get involved with this ministry?
Let us know!

You may contact any of the co-chairs
with your questions:


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Bible Studies

Two different Bible studies have been prepared
for our joint usage and they are free for you to use as well:


​Psalms Bible Study (created 2012)

Bible Study (created 2009)


Mpangua Primary School 

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The Presbytery of the Northern Plains

is a partner with the Mpangua Primary School. 


We assist with students' tuition, teacher pay,
school supplies, and building improvements.


Members and mission trips are active

in their travels to Kenya to foster new
generations of connections

and maintain a relationship between

our communities 


Ways to Donate to this Mission

Mpangua Facebook Page

There are multiple ways that you can help financially support this mission


  • Mail your financial support to:

    • Presbytery of the Northern Plains
      5555 S. Washington St. Grand Forks, ND 58201

  • Donate online via Paypal​

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Thank you to everyone who works so hard
through time and funds
to continue supporting this Partnership!
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